Why legendary
We are the only manufacturer of toe puff and counters in the world that:
- Impregnate cotton textiles with special latexes and dry them with Wavetech technology, this enhance the properties of natural fibers with zero production waste.
- Coat with a custom 4.0 powder scattering machine that allow us to use a range of raw materials, impossible to use and blend, with any other production system.
Again no waste, no noise and incredible precision. - 100% Made in Milano Italy and delivered worldwide in any form and shape. From Toe puff and counters, perfectly skived and molded to your specs, to full container of sheets.
- Our products are engineered for the fantasy of model makers and the needs of a fast and spotless speed of production.
- All our products are densely printed on one side this is because we are imitated all over the world and we want to be sure that if you are ask for Morel you get the real one..
All our products were born out of cotton at the beginning of the century and we have consciously decided to carry on with it, because the finished shoes look much better, is easy to use and we like to imagine the end customers wrapping their feet in cotton, not plastic, now more then ever.
Back in the 60s, Morel was the first company to introduce the use of water based adhesives in the shoes industry.